Daft Punk
Random Access Memory
如果你要在近十年中推荐一张电子音乐专辑给你没有接触过电子作品的朋友, 愚笨的我实在想不到有比《超时空记忆》更好的作品了。
并不是Daft Punk成就了这张作品, 而是音乐本身使然。
If you want to dig all of your electronic music pool in recent decade to recommend the special one for your rookie friends, my stupid brain only gives me this only answer: Random Access Memory.
This is not attributed to the composer, the music shapes itself.
Neo Wax Bloom
在光怪陆离的音效堆砌的背后, 我所能感受到的只是这位英国低音天才那无法枯竭的想象力。
Behind the glitzy soundscape, all I can feel is the inexhaustible imagination of this British Bass genius.
DJ Rashad
Double Cup
Footwork相关音乐前无古人 (也大概后无来者) 的集大成之作。
A masterpiece of Footwork-related music album from original past (probably to the future).
There may be someone playing it on loop in front of the GOD.
Four Tet
There is Love in You
An album
A story
A frame of illusion
A time and space trajectory
Kern Vol.3
现代 Dj Mixing 所能带给我最大的无限可能的展示
How Djing would be like in Modern era
Basic Channel
Quadrant Dub
被空心糖所包裹着的, 甜蜜而又精致的回响声而久久回荡
从草地到星空, 从斑点到无涯
The sweet, delicate dub sound which wrapped in by hollow sugar.
From wild to sky, from spot to endless.
Alva Noto
将 Raster Miminal Spirit 体现的淋漓尽致
如细雨拍打在身旁的窗户之上, 声音美学在天地之间凝固下来
Express the most meaningful core of Raster Miminal Spirit.
As the rain laps against the window beside you, sound aesthetics make the earth frozen.
Brock Van Wey
White Clouds Drift On and On
中国十大最受欢迎外教, 前海军陆战队队员, 格斗高手, 非诚勿扰嘉宾, 绍兴市荣誉市民, 那个男人...
但对于他来说, 可能音乐的力量才是无穷无尽的吧
Top 10 Most Popular Foreign Teachers in China, Former Marine, Fighting Master, Guest of FeiChengWuRao, Honorary Citizen of Shaoxing City, Sun Ce...
But maybe for himself, the power of music is the truly endless and infinite.
日出東方 唯我不敗
Sunrise Oriental only undefeated
英式舞曲的融会之作, 所期许的派对场景
如阳光下的律动, 海光反射下的起舞
The fusion of British dance music, as well as longing party scene what I love.
Like the groove down the sunshine, and dance within the reflection of coast light
William Basinski
The Disintegration Loops I-IV
溯游从之, 道阻且长
Floating... Floating...
Above & Beyond
What's the true meaning of Trance Music
Organ Tapes
Into One Name
生活中有趣的地方, 就在你我的身边而已
Enjoy your life just closed to your life.
21世纪最为重要的Bass Music之一
如同一位少女, 低声讲述着她美丽的秘密
The most essential bass music in 21st century
Like the ethereal maiden, whispering her beautiful secrets
Kid A
电子与摇滚, 杂乱与狂野
Electronic and Rock, Cluttered and Wild
Meteorite rain leaves an indelible mark on the earth
Aphex Twin
Selected Ambient Works 85-92
要是我自己在卧室里写的作品有一天能影响整个世界, 我愿意将这个美梦继续做下去
Why we call him idol
If the work I write in my bedroom can one day influence the whole world, I'd like to keep this dream for long time
The Caretaker
Everywhere at the end of time
声音, 直到这个世界的终末之刻
The Sound, till the world break down
This Binary Universe
二维世界, 多维旅途
Binary World, Journey of luxury dimension
阳光下的死寂, 无非是一种痛彻心扉的美罢了
Departure Silence under the Apollo, just beauty from the blood
Return To Essence
氛围感的强烈, 即便是舞曲也能焕发出不一样的光彩。
The most ambient enviroment, the most sparkle composition it is.
Ryuichi Sakamoto
Async & Async Remodels
他的以前, 他的现在, 他的未来, 那留有遗憾的未来。
音乐的以前, 音乐的现在, 音乐的未来, 那永远充满着未知和可能的未来。
His past, his moment, his future with some regrets.
And THE MUSIC it is, with many fantastic mysteries.